Monday, August 1, 2011

SGM "Wikileaks" Timeline

So you don't want to read over 600 pages of documents in order to understand what has been going on with Sovereign Grace Ministries? Can't get a handle on "what the big deal" is all about? Here is an easy-to-read, visual summary in the form of a timeline. View it in timeline, flipbook, list, or map format. I recommend the flipbook format. Read, discern, pray, think for yourself, and form your own conclusions.


  1. Were you at an SGM church? They seem even more prone to abuse than most any other church. We were at a PCA church that was pretty conservative...but probably not as abusive as what I see happening with the SGM.

  2. Yes, we were part of Sovereign Grace for many, many years. You can see why Rend had trouble. We weren't "abused," but found things heavy-handed, conservative, and fundamentalist. Thinking outside the party lines was highly discouraged, reading outside the party lines was discouraged, etc. I was part of SGM for a quarter of a century, so you can imagine the trauma when Rend walked away from it all.

    Anyway, we're doing better now though this SGM stuff has us going a little loopy. I feel as if I'm going through "deprogramming" on my own now and am trying to move on.

    Thanks for stopping by!
